A common question we receive at the Ontario SPCA and Humane Society’s two spay/neuter services locations is “Why does my pet need bloodwork before their spay/neuter surgery?” In this blog, we share all the information you need to know.
Spaying/neutering your pet
Being a responsible animal parent means looking out for the safety and wellness of your animal. That includes ensuring they are spayed or neutered to prevent pet overpopulation as well as some health concerns that accompany intact dogs and cats.
The Ontario SPCA and Humane Society provides two physical locations and one mobile unit that offer spay and neuter services to the public. You can visit ontariospca.ca/spayneuter to find out where they are located and how to register for the waitlist.
After an appointment for spaying/neutering is booked at one of the Ontario SPCA sites, we recommend you book an appointment with your veterinarian for pre-anesthetic bloodwork. This usually needs to be done a couple of weeks prior to surgery. So, why is this necessary?
Pre-anesthetic bloodwork
Just as it’s routine procedure for a human to have bloodwork before a surgery to give the doctor insight into any health concerns/conditions, the same is true for your dog or cat. Both Ontario SPCA spay/neuter locations offer bloodwork, however, we encourage our clients to check with their local DVM first to have the service done with them if possible.
There are many different types of pre-anesthetic blood tests your animal may require and your veterinarian (DVM) will know which tests are necessary.
For young animals, bloodwork can give a normal baseline that your veterinarian may use for future reference. Should your animal get ill, the healthy bloodwork will be on file.
Even though you may assume your young animal is healthy, bloodwork may determine if there are any underlying health issues. These could range from parasites causing dehydration to anemia (low red blood cells) or any other issues. It can also assess organ function, and could detect a health problem early, before it becomes serious.
In older animals, pre-surgery blood tests are ordered to determine if there are issues such as heart disease, underlying early kidney or liver disease or other health concerns. If the tests don’t fall within the normal range, the DVM will assess if further testing is needed and whether or not the surgery should proceed.
Having all the information helps us ensure your companion animals will be safe and comfortable during their surgery.
Visit https://ontariospca.ca/what-we-do/spay-neuter/spay/neuter-pre-post-ops/ to learn more about what to anticipate when you take your furry friend to a spay/neuter clinic.