Home General Pet Care Travelling with your cat + Four Canadian adventure cats to follow!

Travelling with your cat + Four Canadian adventure cats to follow!

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If you love to travel, adventuring around the country can be a fun and exciting activity. Whether it be travelling for necessity, such as moving, or travelling for pleasure and adventure*, we have tips to make it a safe and enjoyable experience for your cat if you’re bringing them along. But first, we want to share some fun Canadian adventure cats on Instagram.

*Before travelling make sure you’re up to date with government travel regulations and protocols to ensure a fun trip for everyone.

If these photos make you feel inspired, read on for our safety tips for travelling with cats at the end of our blog!

Canadian adventure cats


  • Cypress is a beautiful cat who adventures around Canada. If you enjoy camping and wonder how Cypress enjoys camping, this page is for you.

Here is Cypress in the Rocky Mountains!

Credit: @mynameiscypress



  • Siblings Reese and Oreo, from Calgary, love to be outside and explore. Follow their page to see where they adventure to next. 

Just chilling by the lake.

Credit: @reese_oreo_bengals



  • Do you love hiking, camping, and going on road trips? Arthemis and Alvin are two cats who love these activities, too. 

Cats can make great hiking buddies!

Credit: @arthemisthecat



  • A cat who enjoys being out on the water? Wolf is a two-year-old rescue adventure cat from Vancouver who loves to explore from the vantage of a stand-up-paddleboard.

Having fun on the paddleboard.

Credit: @wolf_the_catventurer
How to travel with cats

Now that you have some travel inspiration from a few of our favourite adventure cat Instagram influencers, here are some of our travel safety tips to keep in mind on your next trip with your feline friend:

  • Be sure to pack all necessary items for your cat including food, water, a leash, medications, toys, blankets, first aid kit, litter supply, and grooming supplies. 
  • If you are travelling by car, keep the car at a comfortable temperature using air conditioning or heat when necessary.
  • Feed your companion animal a light meal at least four hours before the trip to help prevent car sickness and nausea.
  • Prevent your furry friend from sticking their head out the window since sudden stops or debris can cause injury.
  • Schedule rest stops for every two to four hours for exercise, bathroom, and water breaks.
  • If crossing any borders, bring copies of any required documents (such as proof of vaccinations).
  • Make sure your cat is leashed  or secured in a comfortable cat carrier before you open the car doors to prevent them from darting out.
  • Keep your cat’s personality in mind – if adventures aren’t for them, leave them at home where they are comfortable.
  • Ensure they are microchipped and keep your contact information up-todate.

Read more travel tips here: https://ontariospca.ca/blog/travelling-safely-with-your-pet/

If you do go on fun adventure trips this summer with your furry friend, make sure to post it and tag us @ontariospca. Happy adventuring!

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